CHAiNZ is a collaborative piece between Christian Emanuel and filmmaker Rem Conway which included the production of a short film and the creation of photographic artworks which Christian created with film cameras and through the use of analogue process. The piece explores themes of parental trauma within the black community and while looking at those damaged relationships, attempts to create dialogue and conversation.

In October 2023, the Midlands Art Centre hosted a dedicated event for CHAiNZ in an immersive exhibition that showcased performative elements, an exhibition of Christian’s photographic artworks (as well as additional paintings created by Olivia Walters), a screening of the short film and a panel talk with the creators hosted by BBC’s Nikki Tapper.

Panel talk with Rem Conway, Olivia Walters and Christian Emanuel. Hosted by BBC’s Nikki Tapper at the CHAiNZ event. Midlands Art Centre, 2023

Christian’s photographic artworks on display at the CHAiNZ event. Midlands Art Centre, 2023

Performers Jerome Scott and Kar Castro at the CHAiNZ event. Midlands Art Centre, 2023

Film still from the short film CHAiNZ. Written and directed by Rem Conway, produced by Christian Emanuel

Copyright Christian Emanuel © all rights reserved.